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发布日期:2022-07-18    点击:[]






  谢安晋,博士,教授,闽江学者。目前就职于5123导航取五湖之利取四教授,同时兼任台湾交通大学科技法律研究院副教授与泰国Krirk University 教授。毕业于台湾元智大学工业工程与管理博士,新加坡国立大学工程学院博士后研究,美国威斯康辛大学访问学者。曾就职于淮阴师范学院经济与管理学院专任副教授、泰国Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU)助理教授并担任硕士与博士部导师。谢安晋博士研究领域包括:智慧财产管理、专利分析与回避设计、TRIZ技术、服务科学、高龄照护服务、大数据分析等议题。已发表国际学术期刊论文二十余篇。 

  科研成果:共发表二十九篇学术期刊:二十二篇SSCI、SCI、EI等级期刊、一篇CSSCI、两篇TSSCI Level 3 Journal、一篇ABI、三篇一般期刊,以及国内外研讨会三十余篇论文。同时,获得2019年江苏省社会科学基金与2020年江苏省高等学校大学生创业训练项目。

  获奖:研究成果荣获多项奖项:「管理科学学会管理学报论文奖」、「中国工业工程与管理学术研讨会论文竞赛优胜奖」、「UMC 联电经营管理论文奖」、「元智大学工程学院学术奖章-银质奖」、「第四届温世仁服务科学新苗奖」、「质量学会年度卓越博硕士论文奖-博士银带奖」、「中国工业工程学会学术研讨会佳作奖」、「CAIC, Dhurakij Pundit University, The Luban Prize for The Best Paper」、「International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, Best paper Aware」、「泉州市高层次人才第四层次人才」、「威海市社会科学优秀成果三等奖」与「The 4th international Conference on Sustainable Management 最佳优秀论文奖」等。 

  教学成果:指导大学生论文获得淮阴师范学院2019与2021届优秀毕业论文、「5123导航取五湖之利取四第十届青年教师精彩一堂课三等奖」、「淮阴师范学院第九届教学标兵」与「The Krirk University’s 70th anniversary, Outstanding Teacher Award」等。 

  服务地方:担任国台办两岸发展主题影片主角以及会议代表、Elsevier 培训师、担任扬州宇新管业有限公司的科技副总、协助江苏乐南通市百年小镇老人照护服务设计与优化、协助淮安三甲医学研究中心进行人工透析之人工肾脏凝固优化。










1.Professor, College of Business Administration, Huaqiao University, 2023/03-Now. 

2. Associate Professor, College of Business Administration, Huaqiao University, 2021/07-2023/3. 

3. Chair Professor, Minjiang Scholar of Fujian Province, The Highest in the Scholar Ranking System in Fujian Province in 2022. 

4. Chair Professor, International College, Krirk University, 2018/06-Now. 

5. Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Huaiyin Normal University, 2018/09-2021/08. 

6. Chair Professor, Krirk University, 2018/06-Now. 

7. Adjunct associate professor, School of Law, National Chiao Tung University, 2019/08-Now. 

8. Adjunct assistant professor, School of Law, National Chiao Tung University, 2015/02-2019/08. 

9. Senior Trainer of Science Direct (SD), Elsevier, 2019/09-Now. 

10. Assistant professor, International College, Dhurakij Pundit University, 2016/01-2018/09. 

11. Senior Specialist, Department of R&D, Chumpower Machinery Corporation, 2012/08- 2016/02. 

12. Adjunct assistant professor, Department of Business Administration, Tunghai University, 2014/09-2016/12. 

13. Adjunct assistant professor, Industrial Engineering & Management, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, 2014/09-2016/01. 

14. Adjunct assistant professor, Department of Business Administration, Ling Tung University, 2015/02-2016/02 

15. Adjunct assistant professor, Nan Kai University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management, 2012 / 12-2016 / 02 

16. Post-doctoral researcher, Division of Engineering and Technology Management, National University of Singapore, 2011/12-2012/08 1 

17. Research assistant, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, 09/2005-12/2011 

18. Teaching assistant, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, 09/2005-12/2011 


1.谢安晋福建省科技厅,福建省自然科学基金计划项目,2022J01310,基于感性工程和TRIZ整合的养老服务设计研究——以医养结合为视角,2022-08~至 今,4万元,在研,主持。


3.谢安晋江苏省教育厅办公室,江苏省高等学校大学生创业训练计划项目,202010323107T, “心连心”智慧型养老娱乐平台,2020-01~2021-01, 2万元, 结题, 主持。

4.谢安晋,江苏省哲学社会科学规划办公室,江苏省社会科学基金项目,19SHB003,江苏老人居家养老模式优化与支持政策创新研究, 2019~2022,5万元,结题,主持。

5.谢安晋,江苏省教育厅办公室,江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究,2019SJA1638 ,基于TRIZ理论和服务蓝图法的生态文明教育服务质量研究,2019~2021,1万元,结题,参与。

6.谢安晋,温世仁基金会,台湾地区温世仁服务科学青苗奖基金项目,以服务设计之观点探讨高龄健康照顾服务业经营模式创新之研究, 2011.07.11~2012.07.31,6.69万元,结题,主持。

7.谢安晋,扬州市“绿扬金凤计划”资助项目,扬州市“绿扬金凤计划”资助项目(科技副总):锈钢配件制程优化设计, 2019-2020,5万元,结题,主持。

8.林文灿、谢安晋,台湾地区科技部题研究计划成果报告,107-2221-E-167-014,应用田口方法于降低长期血液透析病人透析管路污染率之研究, 2018-2019,13.56万元,结题,主持。




12.林文灿、谢安晋,台湾地区科技部,台湾地区科技部基金项目,104-2221-E-167 -003,应用数据探勘技术建构医师排班系统,2015-08~2016-07,11.08万元,结题,主持。



15.林文灿、谢安晋,2015-2016,台湾地区科技部,台湾地区科技部基金项目,104-2221-E-167 -003,应用数据探勘技术建构医师排班系统,2015-08~2016-07,11.08万元,结题,主持。



18.于长禧、陈启光、张秀珍、谢安晋,温世仁基金会,台湾地区温世仁服务科学青苗奖基金项目,以服务设计之观点探讨高龄健康照顾服务业经营模式创新之研究, 2011.07.11~2012.07.31,6.69万元,结题,主持。





1. *Shie, A. J. Wu, W. F. Yang, M. Wan, X. J. and Li, H. L. (2022) Design and process optimization of combined medical and elderly care services: An integrated service blueprint–TRIZ model, Frontiers in Public Health, 10:965443, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.965443. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF=6.461). First Author. Representative Publication 

2. *Shie, A. J. Dai, Y. Y. Shen, M. X. Tian, L. Yang, M. Luo, W. W. Wu, Y. C. J. and Su, Z. H. (2022) Diamond model of green commitment and low-carbon travel motivation, constraint, and intention, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.876266. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF=4.614). First Author. Representative Publication 

3. *Shie, A. J. Huang, Y. F. Li, G. Y. Lyu, W. Y. Yang, M. Dai, Y. Y. Su, Z. H. and Wu, Y. C. J. (2022) Exploring the relationship between hospital service quality, patient trust, and loyalty from a service encounter perspective in elderly with chronic diseases, Frontiers in Public Health, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.876266. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF=3.709). First Author. Representative Publication 

4. Dai, Y. Y. *Shie, A. J. Chu, J. H. and Wu, Y. C. J. (2022) Low-Carbon Travel Motivation and Constraint: Scales Development and Validation, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 5123. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19095123. (SSCI, JCR Q1, IF=3.39). Corresponding Author

 5. *Shie, A. J. Lee, C. H. Yu, S. Y. and Wang, C. (2020) A fuzzy design decision model for new health care service conceptualization, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 23, 1, 58-80. (SCI, JCR Q1, Ranking 29/136, IF=4.406). First Author. Representative Publication 

6. Lee, C. H. Chen, C. H. Li, Fan. *Shie A. J. (2020) Customized and knowledge-centric service design model integrating case-based reasoning and TRIZ, Expert Systems with Applications, 143, 113062,1-14. (SCI, JCR Q1, Ranking 7/84, IF=4.292). Corresponding Author. Representative Publication 

7. *Shie, A. J. Lo, K. H. Lin, W. T. Juan, C. W. and Jiu, Y. T. (2019) An integrated model by using the Taguchi method and artificial neural network to improve artificial kidney solidification parameters, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 18:78, 1-23. (SCI, JCR Q3, Ranking 52/80, IF=2.013). First Author & Corresponding Author. Representative Publication 

8. Dai, Y. Y., *Shie, A. J. and Liu, Z. J. (2020) How service industry attract employee? evidence from website quality, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 36, 1, 125-148. (EI-Compendex, Scopus). Corresponding Author 

9. Juan, Z. R., Wang, H. Y. and *Shie, A. J. (2019) Newsvendor system neglect revisited using an enhanced normative method, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 15, 4, 1601-1608. (EI-Compendex, EI-INSPEC, ESCI). Corresponding Author 

10. Lin, C. H., *Shie, A. J., Jou, Y. T. and Lai, M. I. (2018) A study on influence of consumer usage knowledge to purchasing convenience and purchase intention: Taking sewing machine as example, International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 7, 3, 233-244. (EI-INSPEC, ERIC). Corresponding Author 

11. Lin, W. T., *Shie, A. J., Chang, C. P., Pan, P. C. and Lin, Y. A. (2018) An analysis of medical expenditure of a bronchial and pulmonary cancer group by two-stage cluster method, International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 7, S1, 1-12. (EI-INSPEC, ERIC). Corresponding Author. 2018年已通过淮阴师范校外评审 Representative Publication 

12. Yu, S. Y. and *Shie, A. J.,(2017) A model for aging-home-care service process improvement, International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 6, S1, 185-198. (EI-INSPEC, ERICBest paper Aware). Corresponding Author 

13. Wu, X., *Shie, A. J., and David, G. (2017) Impact of customer orientation on turnover intention: mediating role of emotional labour, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25, 5, 909-927(EI-INSPEC, ABI, SCOUPS,). Corresponding Author 

14. Wu, X. and *Shie, A. J.,(2017) The relationship between customer orientation, emotional labour and job burnout, Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, 8, 2, 54-76 (ABI, SCOUPS, EBSCO, PsycINFO). Corresponding Author 

15. Lin, W. T., Tsao, L. C. and *Shie, A. J. Chang, S. T. and Cheng, T. Y., (2016) The application of Taguchi methods to parameters optimization for preventing coagulation in artificial kidneys, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 33, 4, 247-252 (EI-Compendex, CSSCI, TSSCI, SCOUPS). Corresponding Author. 2018年已通过淮阴师范校外评审 Representative Publication 

16. Chen, C. K., Kambai, M., Shie, A. J.,and Dahlgaard, J. J., (2016) Greenhouse gas management model - A triple cause-effect logic, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 8, 3, 412-427 (EI) 

17. Chen, C. K., Shie, A. J., Wang, K. M. and Chang, H. Y. (2015) An ageing-in-place service innovation model by using TRIZ methodology, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 25 (2), 166–182. (SSCI, JCR Q4, ranking 13/16; SCI, ranking 45/49, IF=1.0). Representative Publication 

18. Chen, C. K., Shie, A. J.,Wang, K. M. and Chang, H. Y. (2014) Study of a comprehensive successful aging model, Gerontechnology, 13, 2, 181. (EI-INSPEC, SCOUPS, PsycINFO) 

19. Wang, K. M., Chen, C. K. and Shie, A. J. (2013) GAM: A comprehensive successful aging mode, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 14, 3, 213-226. (EI-INSPEC, SCOUPS, PsycINFO)

 20. Chen, C. K., Shie, A. J. and Chang, H. Y. (2011) A customer-oriented organizational diagnostic model based on data mining of customer-complaint databases, Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 1, 786-792. (SCI, JCR Q2, ranking 15/75) 

21. Jiang, J. C., Sun, P. and Shie, A. J. (2011) Six cognitive gaps by using TRIZ and tools for service system design, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 12, 14751-14759. (SCI, JCR Q2, ranking 7/84) 

22. Hsia, T. C., Shie, A. J. and Chen, L. C. (2008) Course planning of extension Education to meet market demand by using data mining techniques ——an example of Chinkuo technology university in Taiwan, Expert Systems with Applications, 34, 1, 592-602. (SCI, JCR Q2, ranking 7/84) 

23. 林文灿、范振铭、谢安晋(2015)生产力4.0全速前进,工具机与零组件杂志,75,60-68 

24. 林文灿、范振铭、谢安晋(2015)台湾产业工业4.0应用案例,工具机与零组件杂志,75,72-79 

25. Chen, C. K., Liao, Y. T. and Shie, A.-J. (2015) A Care Strategy and Action Plan Design for Graceful Aging under External Environmental Constraints, Journal of Gerontechnolgy and Service Management, 3, 3, 1-3. (TSSCI Level 3 Journal) 

26. Chen, C. K., Hsieh, M. C., Yu, C. H. and Shie, A.-J.(2013)The Use of Value Co-Creation Concept to Develop a Customer-Oriented Service Business Model – Case Study on Home Tele-heath Service, Journal of Gerontechnolgy and Service Management, 1(2), 1-20. (TSSCI Level 3 Journal) 

27. Chen, C. K., Liao, S. K., Tsai, C. H. and Shie, A. J. (2008) An exploratory study of the effects of process management for implementing ISO 9000 quality system - using product yield as performance indicator, Journal of Quality, 15 (1), 85-100. (EI-Compendex, SCOUPS) 

28. Chen, C. K., Hsu, S. H., Tsai, C. H. and Shie, A. J. (2008) An empirical case study for the phone deceptions - constructing a cognitive interactive model under the circumstance of low-detected cue, Journal of Management, 25 (3), 333-358. (CSSCI, TSSCI, Best Paper Award) 

29. 陈启光、谢安晋、邱思玮(2007)从首长电子信箱个案分析之观点探讨政府服务质量的内涵与演变,研考双月刊,31,8,13-21


1. 2021闽江学者讲座教授,福建省教育厅,2021.3。 

2. 2023福建省高层次人才C类,2023.3。 

3. 2022泉州市高层次人才第四层次人才,2021.6。 

4. 2019年江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划,科技副总,编号FZ20190595。 

5. 2022 ELSEVIER Certificate of Achievement, 2021-2022 Outstanding Teacher Award. 

6. 2022 The Krirk University’s 70th anniversary, 2021-2022 Outstanding Teacher Award. 

7. 2022 The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Management 最佳优秀论文奖。 

8. 2021第二十四次威海市社会科学优秀成果三等奖,威海市社会科学优秀成果奖评选委员会。 

9. 华侨大学2022第八届5123导航取五湖之利取四,易舟生活空间-Web3.0赋能“蓝天项目”,“互联网+” 大学生创新创业大赛院赛三等奖。 

10. 2020年“互联网+”大学生创新创业建大赛暨第六届中国国际“互联网+” 大学生创新创业大赛校级选拔赛二等奖。 

11. 5123导航取五湖之利取四,2022境外生课程思政教学创新活动比赛,二等奖。 

12. 5123导航取五湖之利取四,2022第十一届青年教师精彩一堂课比赛,二等奖。

13. 5123导航取五湖之利取四,2021第十届青年教师精彩一堂课比赛,三等奖。 

14. 淮阴师范学院,2019淮阴师范学院第九届教学标兵,院级标兵。 

15. 淮阴师范学院,2021届本科优秀毕业论文,运用CBR和TRIZ方法进行居家隔离服务设计,指导教师,2021.6。 

16. 淮阴师范学院,2019届本科优秀毕业论文,银行服务失误与补救之研究,指导教师,2019.6。

17. ICMHI 2017 International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, Best paper Aware. 

18. 2016, International College, Dhurakij Pundit University, The Luban Prize for The Best Paper Aware. 

19. 中国工业工程学会2012年度年会暨学术研讨会佳作奖。 

20. 品质学会2012年度卓越博硕士论文奖-博士银带奖。 

21. 2011 UMC 联电经营管理论文奖。

22. 2011年第四届温世仁服务科学新苗奖。 

23. 2011元智大学工程学院学术奖章-银质奖。 

24. 2010中国工业工程与管理学术研讨会论文竞赛优胜奖。 

25. 2009中国管理科学学会管理学报论文奖。 

26. Scholarship, honored by Yuan Ze University, 2005 to 2008.