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发布日期:2021-03-22    点击:[]






   袁国书,台湾台北人,台湾中山大学管理学博士。现为 华侨大学5123导航取五湖之利取四人力资源管理专业副教授。主要从事组织行为、人力资源管理、职业健康、医务管理等领域的研究。






1. 主要从事组织行为学、人力资源管理、医务管理等领域的研究。目前在领导与部属关系、人格特质等研究议题。

2. 现教授《組織行為學》、 《人力資源管理》等课程。









[1] Yeh, S. C. J., Chen, S. H. S., Yuan, K. S., Chou, W., & Wan T. T. H. (2020). Emotional labor in health care: The moderating roles of personality and the mediating role of sleep on job performance and satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 574898.SSCIdoi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.574898

[2] Wu, T. J., Gao, J. Y., Wang, L. Y., & Yuan, K. S.* (2020). Exploring links between polychronicity and job performance from the person–environment fit perspective—The mediating role of well-being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 3711−3722.SSCI/SCI

[3] Lin, H. P., Chen, K. L., Chou, W., Yuan, K. S., Yen, S. Y., Chen, Y. S., & Chow, J. C. (2020). Prolonged touch screen device usage is associated with emotional and behavioral problems, but not language delay, in toddlers. Infant Behavior and Development, 58, 101424.SCI

[4] Yuan, K. S., & Wu, T. J. (2019). Stability and inconsistency of organizational justice, psychological capital, and ecological protection employees sleep quality. Journal of Environmental protection and Ecology, 20A, S183−S188.SCI

[5] Wu, P. J., Wu, T J., & Yuan, K. S.* (2019). “Green” information promotes employees’ voluntary green behavior via work values and perceived accountability. Sustainability, 11(22), 6335−6350.SSCI/SCI

[6] Wu, T. J., Yuan, K. S., Yen, D. C., & Xu, T. (2019). Building up resources in the relationship between work-family conflict and burnout among firefighters: Moderators of guanxi and emotion regulation strategies. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(3), 430−441.SSCI

[7] Yuan, K. S., Wu, T. J., & Flynn, M. (2019). The influence of work-family conflict on Taiwanese expatriates' burnout and turnover intention in China: Guanxi as a moderator. Revista De Cercetare Si InterventieSociala, 64, 140−155. SSCI

[8] Yuan, K. S., Wu, T. J., Chen, H. B., & Li, Y. B. (2017). A study on the factors in environmental education teachers’ professional knowledge and competence. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(7), 3163-3175.SSCI

[9] Yeh, S. C. J., Yuan, K. S., Chen, S. H., Lo, Y. Y., Chou, H. C., Huang, S., Chiu, H. C., & Wan, T. T. H. (2016). The moderating effect of leadership on the relationship between personality and performance. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(7), 869-883.SSCI/SCI

[10]La, C. C., Chou, W., Chan K. S., Cheng, K. C., Yuan, K. S., Chao, C. M., & Chen, C. M. (2017). Early mobilization reduces duration of mechanical ventilation and intensive care unit stay in patients with acute respiratory failure. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(5), 931-939.SCI

[11] Su, D. C. J., Yuan, K. S., Weng, S. F., Hong, R. B., Wu, M. P., Wu, H. M., & Chou, W. (2015). Can early rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty reduce its major complications and medical expenses? Report from a nationally representative cohort. BioMed Research International, 2015, 7 pages.SCIdoi: 10.1155/2015/641958.

[12] 周郁芳、叶淑娟、袁国书、张朝卿、游秋月、林慧真、陈彦澄(2015)。探讨不安全感与健康意识程度对健康预防行为之影响。台湾公共卫生杂志,346),605-615台湾TSSCI

[13] 胡庆文、袁国书、苏炯睿、周伟倪(2013)。复健相关治疗人员之核心职能研究─以南部地区一家医疗集团所属的三家医院为例。台湾复健医学杂志,414),203-213。【台湾TSCI